Run for Something

When Amanda Litman, former HFA email director, and Ross Morales Rocketto, veteran campaigner and political operative, launched Run for Something on Inauguration Day, they thought they’d have to push and push to eventually get even 100 people to learn more about running for local office. Instead, they’ve recruited more than 17,000 young activists, community leaders, students, educators, small-business owners, and thinkers to sign up to make real change in their own communities.

With the support they’ve received from Onward Together, Run for Something was able to endorse and support 10 young candidates in the Virginia House of Delegates elections. An incredible 40% of the candidates Run for Something endorsed and supported won their races in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and more — compared to the 10% rate at which first-time candidates usually win. Plus, every candidate who meets the basic criteria qualifies for access to Run for Something’s mentorship program, which connects campaign experts — including senior staff from at least three presidential campaigns — with first-time candidates.

Now, Run for Something has endorsed more than 200 candidates in 2018, with the ultimate goal goal of continuing to build a progressive bench.

Swing Left

Swing Left is building a lasting culture of grassroots participating in winning elections for the Left by making it as easy as possible for anyone to have maximum impact on the elections that determine the balance of power in our country

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